
Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Not hiking? Playing with kids instead

 Having already been to Wli Falls, I knew I would be too hot going on the hike, so I didn't go. I hung out under the trees on a shady bench. Presently little children came over to say hello and strike up conversations. I asked them about all the things that grow in the area and we got to taking pictures and sending them to different WhatsApp numbers of their older siblings. There were a few teenagers too. They told me all about the rice that grew, about the sheep that ran around with the goats, and about different trees. 

The little girl on the far right took great care of her little sister (head in front)

One of the boys offered me some 'black berry" or Atitoe as it is known locally. The shell is peeled off and the inside is soft. You suck all the "fruit" off the hard black pit in the middle - which you spit out. 

Atitoe berry. Take the fuzzy shell off and eat the pink fruit and spit out the black core.

Some of the older girls offered to braid my hair when I told them about getting cornrows in Barbados long ago. So the girls gathered round and braided my hair in tiny braids.

One boy took many pictures and loved playing with my phone

These kids were very entertaining and I think a little curious about who I was

Odd looking but much cooler

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