
Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Salaam aleikum

 Hello to The Gambia. Jeffrey is enjoying being in this beautiful country and renewing his friendships with those he met two years ago. The brand president, Sammy Owusu Amako who helped us all two years ago is back with Brent and Jeffrey again.

The plane from New York stops in Dakar, Senegal and I wasn't surprised to see that Brent had them all running around to see things - so they would stay awake and get over the time zone difference more quickly. They went to the African Renaissance Monument and Pointe des Almadies, the westernmost point on the continent of Africa. I am so sorry I don't know the names of the other two judges that are traveling with them. These are important men and will play a role in the coming week with the judges and lawyers in The Gambia. It is something to do with efficiency I think.....I'm not sure, just that it is the reason they are all going.

It was so awesome to see Mr. Amako's familiar face. 

Jeffrey reported that they went to church with the same branch we met last time. They have 42 members instead of the 10 to 13 they had in 2021. They have a rented a building, they have sent out a missionary, and now have four missionaries in their land! Wow, this is so cool. And we were able to witness the beginning. 

I think this is Lemu Keller but I'm not sure, it is for sure Julianna (Jeffrey said Juliette this time, and Brent mentioned Julia) and Samuel Amako

This is the place that has been rented for church services!

Dinner with ward members

During the mornings and day they are with the judges and lawyers in the country. In the evenings they go sightseeing and have adventures.

I can only imagine what tales Jeffrey will have to share when he gets home.

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