
Thursday, February 23, 2023

Treasure Hunts

 There are so many things that are complicated, sad, and distressing in life right now --- so I'm going to tell you about something really fun!

In January, when I asked Kelsi what I could make, do, or bring her kids to make them happy, she said no to the puzzles as the pieces just get lost, and her kids love a treasure hunt. 

Using old pictures I printed out clues and sent them on a hunt. I have learned from that first hunt. 

While I was up there, I took pictures all over the house, front yard, and back yard of things I had never thought to take pictures of so I could have more precise clues of where I wanted them to run. Then I made up an indoor hunt (it has rained a lot) and an outdoor/indoor hunt with prizes I asked Kelsi to hide. But this time I had them save each picture because the prize could only be found after solving the word clues.  

When we came up for Emma's blessing, I left the envelopes with clues (and prizes) there. Oh so fun - they sent pictures of their success. The indoor hunt was a Family Home Evening project and the out/in hunt was a week or so later! Lots of success for me as a Nona.

Finding the clues

Solving the clues

The prize was finger flashlights

Now that I already have pictures, it is easy to make up a hunt. I just write on the top where I want Kelsi to hide them and where to hide the treasure.  This time the code is in pigpen cipher.......

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