
Thursday, April 13, 2023

March Madness Standings

 Michael set up the family to sign up for March Madness predictions - of course! ---- because competition is life's blood to Michael.

Andrew's response:

And thus it begins my friends......

Gonzaga shall have a mighty run

(then later) Anyone can be A winner. Only I shall be THE winner.

Briona's response:

I regret to inform you that as the obvious underdog I am clearly going to win lol.

My response to the sports competition is an eye-roll, nod, and prizes for the winners - Chips, popcorn, and corn nuts.

Kelsi's response:

Well, now that there is food involved.....where do I sign up?

(later) I just realized in order to guarantee a win I have to insure there are only three horses in the race.....

Rachel's response:

That was surprisingly difficult for me to figure out (meaning the brackets online), but there's a bag of chips on the line(!) so I had to persevere through. Side note to Kelsi - (I'm Dwight and your Jim) Youtube link given.

Kelsi's response:

If the chips can be either nacho cheese or sun chips original, consider this my formal acceptance Rachel

There was a lot of chatter about how the brackets weren't working or different family members could not get on and make new choices. A bit of oneupmanship on who would win.  It was a really fun interchange back and forth with Michael telling Rachel that she had a really cool username -- (Whereisshe with a bunch of numbers), and lots of telling how many points they have in actuality not what was showing up on the system. 

At one point Rachel was ahead, then others. I didn't look at any results but waited to see what the final set of points were.

I really get a kick out of my family and their interactions.  So when the games were all over, I got the chips for the winners.....and losers.......and participants:) After all I'm the one giving them out.

Rebekah, Michael and Rachel were the first to get their chips - because I saw them first.

Final Standing of the Adams predictions for March Madness

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