
Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Monday did come after Sunday.....

 On Monday, Rachel and Jeffrey took off for Provo while Susie and I made a kit for my sister Laura and plans for the Lore family reunion. The day was nice and calm while being productive. Susie had people who visited and Krista and her family came for a bit. Susie had an Easter Egg Hunt where each child had a certain color to hunt. I am definitely using this trick with the Grands. Sure wish I'd known about it when I had little and big ones.  Since I'd hidden all of Owen's, I was able to give him a hint on the really difficult ones to find. I love very busy days followed by a slower day. Watching her birds was a treat.

Susan Eames with her dog Rudy

Piper, Owen, Krista, Ava, and Jade Hanks

Susie's grandchildren kits are famous in our family. She has certain toys and fun things to do set up before hand and then brings them out as needed.
The birds came in flocks and were fascinating.

I'll admit I was very, very glad when Jeffrey arrived home before it got dark. The snow had been coming down for awhile and was slated to get worse. It sure is nice being in a warm home instead of braving the elements like the birds have to do. 

Started really coming down - after all the drives, sidewalks, and road had been cleared.

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