Monday, May 13, 2024

Evening reflections

 It is a little after 11 pm on a London evening where Jeffrey and I just walked back from the Theatre. Though I have other posts I intend to write and post, tonight was a very moving experience from Le Misérables. We sat 6 rows from the orchestra pit and could see the expressions on the actors faces. I cried during the second half of the show every time someone died - Lots of people die. 

The singing was superb, the action and the plotting. The set looked just like the one in San Francisco, the costumes were similar, the lighting and staging were similar. But the interpretation in several instances had a nuanced feeling that gave depth to the story. Jean Valjean sang his epic song on the battlefield while Marius is sleeping - not wounded from the battle like previous versions. There is a strong element of God and redemption in this version. I couldn't talk after the show for quite a few minutes. I've been thinking about it ever since.

Going to London just to see this show would be worth all the expense and trouble. 

We were six rows back and these lovely ladies were short

It was a beautiful theatre

The Back Story

Greg called Jeffrey a few weeks ago and asked if we would be in London and if so when? When Jeffrey told him the dates, he said he and Janice would be in London on the 13th of May at the end of a trip they were taking to Europe. Jeffrey asked what they planned to do for the day and quickly looked up tickets for Westminster Abby and Le Misérables so we could join them. They had a hotel by the airport which was an hour away. We met them at Westminster and enjoyed the tour. Jared was with them. Jared said it would have been an awesome tour if he hadn't just been to St. Petersburg - which was magnificent. 
Jeffrey told me the only two tickets available for the show, just happened to be the two next to Greg and Janice - Jared sat on purpose in the back. Jeffrey asked Jared when we went outside if the show wasn't great and Jared agreed it was. If even someone who doesn't like theatre said it was great, that means it is really something. 
I and Jeffrey

Janice and I

1 comment:

norcalgal said...

Have seen Les Miserables several times and it has always been wonderful. My favorite by far! Enjoy your new adventure.