
Monday, February 14, 2022

Baking Again


Amazing that I have bake more in this year than in 5 years previously.

Moses from the YSA in our ward asked me last Sunday to make brownies, cookies, and banana bread for a Monday night Valentines party. He said to plan on 50 people. (Are there 50 YSA's in our ward?) No matter, I told him yes.  On Wednesday he said he would come on Monday at 3 pm to pick the goodies up. As we were talking Brother Bobi told me he was young, at least as young as the YSA and he needed brownies too. 

On Friday night and most of Saturday, I baked and then froze the brownies, banana bread, and cookies in batches. I knew Juliet was coming over on Monday so I didn't want to stress with two of us in the kitchen and timing issues. 

Then I made an extra batch of brownies for Brother Bobi, and banana bread for Juliet, Bobby, and Dumevi. Life is sweet.

When Dumevi came over on Monday while Juliet was cooking for Tuesday lunch, he got some tidbits from her, he got his cut out trousers from me, he is going to pick up biscuits for the children on the corner, he is bringing Brother Bobi his brownies, and I gave him a little extra for the mom with twins. A man of many talents.

Moses and his friend texted they were coming at 3 pm at 1:30, but actually arrived long after 4. But it was ok because Jeffrey had already arrived home so I didn't stress that I was leaving at 5 pm to take pictures for FHE at the Christiansborg Stake Center. Everything has a way of working out. Throwing things up to the universe works quite often.

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