
Friday, June 24, 2022

Its All a Jumble

 Looking back at these posts, I can see we are in Kenya and then in Accra packing up to fly home, then back in Kenya, and then in Lake Tahoe for a reunion. It does feel like my life is all jumbled up with different adventures happening everywhere! Jeffrey has not been in the same place for a whole week yet since....I 'm not sure when. He has traveled to Utah after we got home a few days, then a few days after that he went to Lake Tahoe. We are back home trying to recover from Covid fatigue while putting our two rooms into organized living instead of boxes and bags left from when we left Concord 18 months ago added to the bags brought home from Africa. PHUN, PHUN!

Since I am tired I can justify sitting and writing about some of the good places we have been. Jeffrey said he was able to be in the high plains of Kenya with its beauty, the sea level tropic beauty of Accra, the high Rockies with gorgeous mountains, and the awesome vistas of the Sierras. He is thankful for all that God has given and blessed him with these last few weeks.

I am so glad he got to spend a good day with his mom.

Jeffrey also went to a Freedom of Religion Conference that was very uplifting and edifying for him. 

Well, back to work for a bit and then I'll write (or rather drop some pictures) about the Safari in Kenya. Moving, seeing family, and getting back into a different ward is different, but Kenya was AWESOME! I'm still thinking about it......

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