
Thursday, July 14, 2022

Sherri Despain - beloved friend

I found the heat of the day was not a noticeable physical drain until I went back in from my phone call - with a dead phone - and back into the cool house. Just a little bit later, Sherri Despain came by. It was so good to see her again. She is just the same bubbly, smiling, lovable woman as she was in Accra. I sure missed her when she left. 

Last January, Sister Despain had asked me to bring some Tunics that she'd had made by Bernice to the MTC. Bernice stopped by to drop them off, I took pictures so Sherri would know what they looked like and that they had arrived. I took them over to the MTC but the person I was looking for was not there. A young man took them and said he'd leave them at their door. Evidently they were misplaced for awhile until someone finally found them and other arrangements were made to send them to Utah. So after being gone for six months from Africa, Sherri finally caught up with her tunics.

She was so good to drive an hour north to meet with us at Greg and Janice's home. It was really awesome to see her again, listen to what was going on and give her the African material for her quilt and a wooden crocodile. Susie had found her missing crocodile in a box that luckily she hadn't thrown away yet. Wisdom made a Noah's ark and Susie brought if from Accra in January and Sherri picked it up when she came to Ogden early in the year. But when she got home the crocodile was missing. All the animals were in twos except the croc. So it was nice to get everything in place again!

We had a lovely visit and I hope we can meet up again soon. Life is good.

Together for a moment

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