
Monday, April 30, 2018

The Domino Effect

Sister Stewart's Answers

Dominoes [April 19]

Watching dominoes fall and hit the next and next down the line as it spreads can look pretty amazing. Some rows are dramatic and some are just straight lines that fall.

Today I was one of the little dominoes in a miracle that happened at the Dental Clinic. Sister Stewart asked me to come in on Thursday so she could talk with someone about how reporting would be done.  I came in a little early and after she finished the first patient of the day, I took over. Supposedly this would free her up to get some items finished before her meeting. She did straighten up the lab, check her messages and email and one or two other things and then the computer guys came over and they had a really important impromptu meeting about how the computers needed to work. I felt glad that I had arrived early to let this happen. But that wasn’t the miracle.

Sister Stewart went to meet with her ladies and one of the stepped out to take care of something else. Sister Stewart asked Gilda if there wasn’t a required x-ray registration class anywhere in the Philippines besides the one schedule much later in the year. Gilda said no. Sister Stewart persisted and asked what it could hurt to ask again. Because the x-ray software had failed on Monday, Sister Stewart happened to have the current phone number of the man who could tell them about the classes. Gilda called and amazingly there was a class being given today! In fact it had started at 8 am. Sister Stewart asked Gild to get permission for the dentists to come anyway.  Then Sister Stewart urged Gild to call the dentists to see if they could drop everything and go. Sister Stinchfield said that wasn’t enough warning and they couldn’t do it. Dr Whitehead though very sick said if I have to be there I will. Because it was his code day, Gilda arranged for a driver. When Sister Stewart went to get money to pay for the driver, Dr. Stinchfield was waiting in the Clinic but he was looking for a drive to Makati, Manila. It was decided the two doctors could go together today and tomorrow. 

I found out the license for the dental clinic to run, has to have two qualified and registered x ray licenses or the dental clinic cannot operate any panoramic or nomad x rays. The license will be renewed next month just before the Stewarts leave. This was a miracle that the clinic could keep running smoothly without stoppages.  

I told Sister Stewart that she has angels on her right and on her left helping with each little piece of the whole. The same thing that prompted her to ask me to come prompted her to persist in asking Gilda and also prompted the two doctors to attend the classes regardless of the inconvenience. 

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