
Sunday, July 25, 2021

Can you Believe it?! I was On The Niger River!

Did you know that if you go far enough North on the Niger River there are still hippopotamuses living there? We weren't even close but it was easy to see how they could live in that large river. I just didn't want to run into a crocodile.

There was a little concern watching him bail water out of the boat we were getting into....

As our boat was pushed out into the current past all the waterlily plants and other bushes, I couldn't help thinking about Marion watching her little brother Moses in the Nile river. What were her concerns? What did she pray for?

As our canoe/boat was so close to the water, I just hoped all the crocodiles were gone from our part of the river. All I saw were birds, lots of birds.

We were about six inches from the water

Because of the rainy season, the river was running high. Some of the plants were floating by much faster than other bodies of plants

We had a nice shaded roof covering the boat

Sister Lewis scooped up a lily and we could see the root system below

Beautiful, but full of garbage

When the boat was turned to explore the other side of the river, we got treated to a wonderful sunset.

A whole new community is being built, this house we named Hogwarts

A lovely beautiful night on the river.

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