
Monday, July 12, 2021

Juliet and the Missionaries for dinner


I invited Juliet and her son over for Family Home Evening and she asked if the missionaries were coming. I told her she would have to bring her own missionaries because the missionaries that had been coming to our home from our ward, found out that we actually live in a different mission! I guess we are on the border line of the two missions and since we were assigned to a ward, we don't actually live in the boundaries of the ward or that mission. 

She came over with the missionaries but her son had to be at school. I did not have Juliet cook as I wanted her to just be able to relax and I knew she was making sure someone else had food who was visiting the temple. I lined the counter with chicken, rice, tomatoes, green peppers, cheese, salad and other fixing for tacos or burritos and put out taco shells and tortillas out. Fruit, cookies and banana bread and I called it done.

I showed the missionaries and Juliet how Jeffrey like his with melted cheese and adds all the other fixings. They all decided they wanted the same thing. I think they liked it but I couldn't be sure. The elders went for seconds and after the evening was over they boxed up the leftovers and took them home, so it couldn't have been bad.

Jeffrey really enjoyed the discussion with the missionaries. He asked them to ask questions and they all went through the scriptures finding answers and stories. I enjoyed myself and it looked like Juliet did too.  By the end of the evening, Jeffrey had arranged for the missionaries to come after their appointments are over on Saturday. They said 8 o'clock at night

When they all left, Jeffrey gave me his thanks and said how awesome it was that he could talk over scriptures with the missionaries again. He has missed the last few weeks having missionaries over on Saturday nights.

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