
Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Going to the Lord's House

 In the ward we attend, Jeffrey and I "teach" the family history class. In actuality, we spend most of our time getting people on to the church site, getting a username and password, and then the next week forgetting one or the other and finding out how the recovery process works. There is not a lot of teaching of doctrine involved.

Last Sunday was different. First the ward members are trying to print out names to take to the temple as a ward. The youth are going to do baptisms for the dead while the adults will go through sessions. Second, the Bishop called us in and talked a little about his new business when we asked, and then called Jeffrey to teach a few members who will be going to the temple for the first time. I will continue to help whomever comes to get on the church sites with a username and password. We have found it to be helpful to write down every bit of information they have and tell them to change their password after they get familiar with the site. Otherwise we spend too much time trying to recover their accounts. 

I am so excited for the youth to go to the temple! They had chosen a day but when they went to make an appointment they realized all the times this week are already full because so many people are coming. Everyone has felt starved for some spiritual enlightenment and comfort that the temple can bring and are arriving in great numbers. It will be really nice when the Kumasi temple is built, dedicated, and opened - too bad it won't happen while I am here. There are so many people who want to come to the Lord's House.

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