
Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Hey! What is with all the hospital visits?

 The start of this year has been the year. It starts out with one family in my greater family finding cancer in a lymph node AFTER a very hard surgery to remove a thyroid. A family who already has daily concerns with autism and all its ramifications. 

Then another family finds out after going to the ER for answers on a strained hip in December that she has a pulled groin (ouch!), stones in her kidney's that are not big enough to blast or have surgery (still ouch because they are there), and they noticed a node in her lung - what? - as if one item is not enough? After comparing it to an X-ray in October, they found it has grown - NO, just no. So now PET scan and MRI scan have been ordered and she is asking for prayers - yeah I think daily prayers.

But really January is not over, so another family has a son who broke his bone snowboarding. This can't be a small simple fracture, but one that needs plates and screws to fix it back together. Ouch, ouch.

This is the Lore's so of course it is not all gloom and doom.  It started out with a New Year's Eve Party. There was a baby girl born, a family reunion set up, and lots of love and prayers given from one to another. 

Looking forward to a peaceful February.......but January is not quite over......

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