
Monday, March 26, 2018

Irresistible Story

My nephew Elder Reynald Lore is a missionary and having a really good time. This story is on Facebook so I presume it is for public consumption and want to share it with my friends:

"One of my best experiences so far:
We went to visit a house that is designated as a "no contact" which is exactly what it sounds like. It is someone who has requested that the church makes absolutely zero contact with them. Well my companion didn't tell me it was a no contact, (we were visiting the house because the church wanted to make sure she still lived there), he just told me that we might get yelled at. So she answered the door and got annoyed at us, she said she didn't want to be rude to us, she just didn't want anything to do with the church. She told us never to come back, and she said if she saw any more church people she might consider suing us for trespassing. Despite this she was actually rather polite. Then as we were about to leave I noticed to Corgi's in her house. I love dogs and Haley has a soft spot for Corgi's so I have grown rather fond of them as well. I commented on her dogs and she asked if I wanted to pet them. She let them out and I pet them and next thing we knew we were chatting with this lady on her porch for like 15 minutes. Her demeanor did a total 180. She was laughing and talking and listening and she told us if we ever were overheating we could stop by her house for water. Then she told us that she was a family therapist (that is what I want to do) so I got super excited and we talked a little bit about that and she said we could come back and visit her some other time. So she went from a do not contact to saying we can visit her sometime all because I commented on her adorable dogs. It was so awesome! ...
It was a really good week! I love y'all and miss every single one of you! 
Elder Lore"

My nephew is the one on the left Elder Reynald Lore

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