
Thursday, August 24, 2023

Drama in the Church Parking Lot

Arriving at 6:45 pm at the church, I noted the white RV in the corner of the parking lot and wondered who was staying over night. I went in to make sure the ovens were on to cook our soft pretzels. It wasn't even seven o'clock when there was great excitement and the kids who had been running around outside came in to report that there was a fire in the parking lot.

It was almost unbelievable how fast and furious that fire was. We kept hearing small explosions and sometimes the burst of flames from the vent on top went high. One kid reported seeing a man fleeing calling, "FIRE!" By the time I got outside the fire trucks were already there and water was flowing - not that we could see any diminishing flames. Even the trees had little embers flaring in them. I can't help but wonder what the story was about the RV. 

Fully engulfed in minutes

Avid Audience

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