Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Goodbye to Cindy and Jordon Powell

 I have only known the Powell's for a few short weeks and I'm already sorry that they are leaving in 10 days. Cindy has a great sense of humor and is kind. She is very tech savvy and I'm really going to miss her quick fixes to the things on my phone and computer that go haywire at times.

Jeffrey has wondered how he is going to hold the load when Jordon leaves as there will only be two other AALC's and only a replacement coming in for the White's in October. Jeffrey said all three of the AALC's in the office have a load of work each week. 

We had a lunch and gave them a few presents that wouldn't weigh down their suitcases. Luckily Sherry White knew exactly what Cindy wanted - a gold Africa necklace which I was able to find (with a the help of my good friend Freeman). For Jordon, I just picked a tie with the Ghana flag colors and the stool so he could wear it at his homecoming talk when he returns. We're going to miss you when you're gone.

Cindy and Jordon Powell

OGC Staff of July 2, 2024

Giving presents to Cindy and Jordon

Esther and Dinah went all out on the meal. They ordered some chicken wraps that were very tasty, had a mango avocado salad and a chicken caesar salad and all kinds of juice drinks. They even had chicken and fried rice. All of it was delicious! Most of the ladies brought in treats to top it off.

Sorry to see you go Powells......

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