Monday, July 15, 2024

The Cantonments Ward Relief Society Presidency

 We met to discuss the needs of the ward Relief Society members and I of course, said we need a picture. 

It has been fun working with these wonderful ladies! They have great ideas and are talented in many areas. Erica the secretary, knows and is concerned with the young adults and what they need to move to the next step in life. She teaches in an inclusive, fun way.  Baaba the first counselor, works as a Matron in the temple most of the week. She sews and is going to get her PHD soon. Comfort the Relief Society president caters for many events and knows just how to make a great food sac that will feed a family for some days. I've decided I can add value by facilitating others to move ahead, i.e. I bring material to the gathering place that is teaching sewing and ask them to make my table napkins for a few Cedi's so they can work on real material instead of paper, doing real work. I also give Comfort Cedi's for food sacks that she tells women came from the Relief Society. The other value I bring is filling out reports that free up time for the others. We make a good team.

Erica Serwaa Edudzi Agbeko, Linda Ann Adams, Wilhelmina Emma Baaba Acquah, and Comfort Adjowa Ofoli-Quaye
Aka: Erica, Linda Ann, Baaba, and Comfort

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