Friday, July 19, 2024

Talking and Getting Answers

 Have I told you lately about my firm conviction of prayer, talking to God and getting answers? Little things give me assurances that He is listening. I hope I am listening back. 

Today when I went to get fruit for the weekend, I brought back two heavy bags. One had a watermelon as the lady at the fruit stand said if she cut up the watermelon early it would just get mushy - actually she said bad, but you know what I mean. 

My shoulder does not like heavy loads and as I walked down the street back home, I shifted the bags so my left shoulder only had the watermelon weight for a short period.  I told God if he sent someone to carry these home, I would tip him. Just as I got to the gate at the MTC, Asante, one of my favorite security guards came forward and said, "Let me carry that for you." Thanks to my Heavenly Father, and thanks for a thoughtful gentleman who is happy to do a good deed. He smiled when I held him up when I got home and brought him a tip, telling him I'd told God I would tip anyone who offered to help me. 

Now about the listening part. Am I asking God correctly? I have been on the receiving end of expectations and demands from people lately. Being told what I am expected to bring or do. I don't like it. 

Do I ask and have conversations with God instead of making a list of demands and expectations? Am I listening when he asks me to do a service or give something? Am I doing what is needed because I have been given this chance to be here at this time in this particular spot?

I am in that state again where I am doing good things and just hoping I'm getting it right. On my last mission I didn't know for months down the line what things I did right for God and what things were just nice. Here's hoping I get it right this time - quickly. 

Thank you so very much God for answers to prayers and assurances that thou art near. 

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