Monday, July 8, 2024

Sunday Guests

 In keeping with our one month tradition, we had guests come for supper on Sunday. We were supposed to have Juliet's family and one of her friends who lived close by. Juliet indicated her husband and sons would probably not show up. At church one of the stake counselors asked to see Jeffrey but I had to tell him he was over at the MTC working. He asked when Jeffrey would be home, so I told him he could come for dinner. He said he had to pick up his daughter and I said to bring her along too. 

Dumevi brought over the dinners (Juliet chose Jollof rice and chicken) and Sister Arthur (the chef) sent two dinners aside that had less heat in them. What a thoughtful, kind, person! All were accompanied by a salad, each were individually wrapped up. Everyone chose to eat out of the container, so Jeffrey did also. I know he would prefer a plate, glass, and real silverware every time. 

Some of the interesting things we found out was that Brother Danso, the second counselor in the Accra Ghana Christiansborg Stake went to Utah for school and found his wife who was from American Samoa and they stayed in the United States until their youngest was fourteen. Esther Danso, his youngest daughter is getting ready to go back to the Utah for her college education.

Ronald Danso and Esther Danso

Patricia, whom I met while cleaning the chapel a few weeks ago, is Juliet's neighbor. She has three children and a late husband. The oldest is Emmanuel who is in high school though they said something about levels. I think this is run British style and I'll have to look into what that all means. The second is Elijah who is in 7th grade and the youngest is Sylvia (I think). The kids all were very respectful and did not speak up much. In fact it was difficult to get the children to say much at all. They were exceedingly respectful. Jeffrey and I wanted to hear from everyone, so next time we will get just one family instead of three separate families - whom all knew each other better than we knew any of them.

Sylvia, Emmanuel, Elijah, Patricia, and Juliet

Here are the girls:

Sylvia, Juliet, Patricia, and Esther

You could tell these women all knew each other and it was just Jeffrey and I trying to catch up. 

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