Friday, July 5, 2024

I am officially old

 Yesterday was my 65th birthday, so according to different stats and retirement planning and of course our own Social Security I am officially an old person. That being said, I feel fine and had a lovely birthday.

I had an early morning birthday card from Debbie Penovich - Thanks! And then a happy birthday from Sister Burdick, the Area Secretary to everyone in the family home evening group - which caused everyone I met to say, "Happy Birthday". When I went to Sister Scripture Study I was again told Happy birthday from all. 

The most fun was Sister Galland who sang the song her mother would sing when they had a birthday in their family. She sang it again so I could film it and sang to Sister Wursten whose birthday is on the 5th.

Sister Emily Galland singing a Happy Birthday song

Later that day, Jordon and Cindy Powell invited us over for dinner, after which we went over to the Manwarrrings for pie and ice-cream to celebrate the Fourth of July. It was a very fun and interesting day. 

Jordon and Cindy Powell - generous, kind, and thoughtful

The White's had already gotten there and the Marnwarrings were serving up pie and ice-cream.

Elder and Sister Gary and Sherry White

The Manwarrings serving ice-cream

Sister and Elder Rebecca and Kipp Manwarring

Since we were already at the Genesis Apartments, we went up a flight to see the White's apartment. 

We were late to the Powell's home because we thought they lived in Genesis but when we didn't get an answer to our knock (fortunately) at the apartment we realized we were in the wrong place. We went back over to Beaufort our old apartment complex and waxed nostalgic on our way up to their apartment. After dinner we went over to the new Genesis Apartments where many missionaries now live. There was some kind of problem in fixing and repairing the Beaufort Apartments so most have been moved.

It was a fun night of play and getting to know the others. I enjoyed seeing their homes and understanding them all a little better. 

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