Monday, July 22, 2024

Music and Children

 I slipped down to Primary today because I am on a quest to get pictures of all the Relief Society ladies for my ministering roster.  I took pictures of the adults in the room and couldn't help but be charmed by the little children singing. Beautiful and heart warming. When they showed all the actions of the "Books of The Book of Mormon" I just had to get a little video. They were great - and I had no idea there were actions to this particular song.

I enjoyed the little hearts twirling as they sang, "as the hearts of the children have turned to their fathers....." There was a variety of ways to learn and remember each of the songs they sang.

The chorister was very adept at making sure the boys as well as the girls were engaged. I would have to stay quite a few more weeks to see how she engaged everyone's attention. There is a rubbing hands and then a rhythm clap that I didn't quite catch - but could see was effective. 

After church was over, I found that most of the pictures taken of the adults were visitors! There is a big flux in this ward as its location to the temple makes it home for many visitors. The children have a very good primary and I can see why some mothers would want their children to come here.

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