Sunday, July 7, 2024

I looked out the window and what did I see?

 I sat next to the window listening to the Elders play soccer while I was writing on the computer. Presently, clanks and rapid talking seemed like they were a lot closer than the fields. When I looked over to my right, there were men washing the windows! Looking closer they were free standing on a shaky scaffolding. When he reached over to wash another window, I told him to open the window to bring it into reach safely. 

The next time I looked up, they were right in front of me. Up on the third level. I tried not to think of broken legs and necks - though I did program the people to call in an emergency. These men were perfectly comfortable and efficient. It is good to see people who are expert in their field - even if I would never do it.

I could hear the shouts and laughter of a soccer game

I could see the men building the scaffolding as they went up 

I didn't like the sway very much

Doing a great job

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