
Sunday, August 20, 2017

Can't sleep tonight

It's about 2 o'clock in the morning (in California) so it is daytime in the Philippines. I've decided it is just fine that I am not asleep.  Today was a pretty special day watching Julia and Michael get married.  My mind is running over today and the last few days and I'm so thankful for so many wonderful blessings.  I'll start out with my friends. On Thursday, Laura Nausin took me all over to buy little things from about six different stores and then I went to her house to sew up Jeffrey's barong for the wedding.
Going to the wedding all dressed up

The Filipino people as a whole are much smaller than we are, so I had to make adjustments on my dress and Jeffrey's barong. Bonnie Carter and Pam Hoskings came over to say Hi and reconnect. I was thinking tonight of the times I taught PEP in school with Pam, went camping, took pictures before prom, and attended baby/wedding showers with her. Bonnie seems to have worked in Young Women's forever and in the Relief Society when I worked in Primary. We have connected so many times over the years. I got a hug from Grandma Nausin and Vickie too. They have added to my life immeasurably raising my kids and at girls camp.  Laura's mom is starting to be a fixture in my life also.
A special visitor who came was Lisa Lambert. I thought I wouldn't see her at all because I knew she went to San Francisco in the morning. But on Thursday night she came over with cinnamon bread and a hug. She is my exemplar, friend, and who I want to be like when I grow up. she can get more done in less time despite the roadblocks thrown in her way.

Today Teemaree decided to visit her mom down past Fresno and watch Michael get married. Though our children grew up together and we went camping too, my fondest memories are working in the Relief Society together. I'm so glad she made time to come today.
Teemaree decided to come down for the wedding on her way to her mom's house.
The lifetime friend I have is my sister.  After I was born my mother prayed for a sister for me and Susie has been a blessings ever since. She has been a major help, support and last minute fix-up in all of the weddings in our family.  Thanks mom and a generous Heavenly Father for my sister Susie.
Life is better with Susan Eames
Entertaining Caleb and Jayson while the pictures were being taken. It had to be around 100 degrees today
I am so thankful for the love and dedication of my family. They love and help each other out.
Matthew took a nine hour test, finished a paper, took his wife out on a date, then headed to the airport to find stand-by flights so he would be at his brother's wedding. As soon as the ceremony was over he hopped in the car with Andrew and drove to the Fresno airport to get a flight to San Francisco to find another flight to North Carolina. He plans to finish another paper as he flies and reports to work on Monday morning at a new job. I'm praying he gets on early stand-by flights all the way home.
Matthew and Rachel on Friday night.
I have a deep gratitude and thankfulness as I watch my boys who have grown up and become father's themselves. There is a deep joy in watching them take care of their children.
Caleb and his dad

Well, I'm getting tired so I'm going to try going to sleep now and I'll post again about this really fabulous day another time.


Ludlows said...

Oh tears filled my eyes as I read this. I can feel the love you have for your family and friends, who really sound like family. This gives me hope for our future as I know in my heart it will take us further away from our family and bring opportunities to expand our family to include those not related by blood. It looks like a fabulous day, I'm sorry I could not be there.

LA Adams said...

You are a great mother and very good friend and I know you will bless the lives of many who will and have come in contact with you. Life is a really good thing with it's opportunities for mind and talent expansion. I love you so much Shuanna and appreciate your warmth, support, and the efforts you make for me and my family. We'll see each other soon - maybe a year - and I'll get to hold your little one!