
Saturday, April 24, 2021

Crocodiles of Bandia Preserve

Almost like floating logs, their patience is legendary. 

These weaver nests were hanging on limbs over the crocodile infested pond. Dropping out of the nest would make a sure snack down below.

Lots of birds on the shore and above who didn't seem bother at all with the reptilian neighbors.

The crocodiles would slowly creep up the side of the bank as more tourists stopped by.

This very large crocodile is waiting at the water hole for the antelope to come get a drink. It looked like all water sources had crocodiles waiting. I do not know how the animals get a drink. 

 The pond near the border of the preserve had 12 crocodiles that we could see. The next pond had almost 70 that we could see. There were other ponds that we glimpsed through the trees. Every pond or source of water had a least on crocodile that we could see. Do they feed them? How do the animals get a drink of water? How did the ancient Africans get water without getting eaten?

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