
Saturday, April 24, 2021

Lions, but no tigers or bears

 One of our adventures in Senegal was going to a Lion park. Just off of the highway is a dirt road with a gate that leads to interactions with lions. Lions used to be part of the Senegal landscape but not for over a hundred years now. They are only in preserves or zoos now. On one side of the compound was a building and wooden fence that had a place where lion cubs were. They don't let the cubs in with the pride until they are old enough to take care of themselves. Meanwhile the tourists can pet them and interact with them. Jeffrey, Rebecca and Nathan went in and played with the cubs.

They like playing just like kittens - their string is bigger than yarn though

Then they went across the dirt land and got into a jeep that had a cage around it. Now the people are in the cage and they go into the preserve where the adult and adolescent lions are. 

This is an up close and personal interaction. 

Pet your own lion
Want a little goat meat?

The guide threw some goat meat on the top of the cage and two lions jumped up to eat it. Nice for us on the outside of the compound, the guide drove up so we could see and take pictures! After eating the meat they decided to lounge about.

King of all he surveys

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