
Sunday, April 18, 2021

New Adventures before you Hear the First One -- travel with Covid Impact

 I fed a monkey from my hand this weekend!

But I haven't even told you about Jeffrey petting a lion cub two weeks ago. We are having so many fun adventures, but trying to catch up on my regular (boring) work is taking up the time instead of writing about this fun stuff.

I will persevere! Jeffrey is taking off to the Ivory Coast to do some business work and so instead of playing with Jeffrey I can write up about all this wonderful African adventure stuff!

Just so you know, this Covid is impacting my life in a new ways. Since you have to have a Covid test going into and out of a country, when you cross a border it almost guarantees a 48 hour stay because some of the tests take so long to get the results back. Instead of a in and out trip, Jeffrey will go from Monday to Wednesday because he has to leave enough time to get the test results before he can leave again. Despite the fact that he has to have a test in order to get out of Ghana. Somebody is making a racket with all these Covid tests. I hope it is going to good use and someone is making a living. The hotels are getting another nights business, the restaurants are getting more business, and those giving the tests are getting a lot of business. Jeffrey will pay about $150 each time for three Covid tests, Sunday, Monday, and Wednesday.

I wonder what next year will look like....

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