
Wednesday, April 14, 2021

How you get there

Taking off in Ghana for our adventure!

It was a little plane and we got there by riding a bus to the steps of the plane

We showed our passports and ticket for the fourth or fifth time and got on the plane

The bus ride to the plane from the terminal

Second ride from plane to bus to terminal

This is actually a shot of Senegal coming from the plane into Dakar

Pictures out of order as this is the plane ride from Ghana to the Ivory Coast and is the place where we visited the equator, longitude and altitude lines. Cloud is hiding the lighthouse.

On the crowded streets of Dakar you can pass horse drawn wagons

Second bus in Ivory coast to plane going to Senegal

Another small plane

 Traveling is fun, interesting and filled with hurry up and wait moments. I was surprised at the amount of times our passport and papers were checked in each airport. I realized coming back home how smooth easy our first flight was. Experience is a great teacher.

Senegal is a country filled with animal transportation. We found camels in big pastures. Elder Collette said he has seen them in big caravans traveling through the country. Another post will show the horses, donkeys and mules pulling wagons with loads on them.

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