
Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Touring and Visiting - Catching Up On Regular Work

Nathan, Rebecca, Lorinda and Brent Belnap
our driver at the bottom, his name was in French but similar to Ibraham

When I was a child, I knew that California was the place to play! Oceans, Disneyland, parks, hiking and more. My children who grew up in California, thought Utah was the play state. Their Uncles and Aunts would show them a great time whenever we came to visit. Bear Lake, camping, swimming in Pineview, fishing, paint ball, etc., wonders and excitement.

We took a trip to Senegal and I know that is the place to play! We have had so much fun I can't even describe it in one post. As soon as I am mostly caught up on the work I found stacked up when I came home, I will post my adventures - not in any chronologic order, just as my memories remember our great time!

Our trip began with Easter Day and watching church history being made. A church entity was being created for the first time in Senegal. The trouble is there are a few t to be crossed and a few i's to be dotted so I can't say it is a done deal. Our trip ended with Nathan, Rebecca and Jeffrey petting lions!

The kudos go all to Brent and Lorinda for planning and executing this fantastic trip. Anyone who goes with Brent will know he starts at the crack of dawn and runs from one place to another so he doesn't miss anything. The only thing he stops for is pictures. I can totally relate to that!

Daniel and Maureen Collette (both speak French), Jeffrey and I, Nathan, Rebecca, Lorinda, and Brent Belnap. Our wonderful driver - something like Ibraham
The participants in the van driving around Senegal!

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