
Tuesday, March 15, 2022

African Queen and the quilt top

I heard about and saw this quilt block shortly after arriving in Dec 2020

I have planned on doing it its someday!

I finished Jeffrey's quilt top this morning for his birthday

 I love this African Queen. Sister Martinez made a whole quilt of African Queens. I just  wanted to put them on the border. Looking on google, I found a great site that tells you exactly how to do this pattern, Her blog is very detailed and easy to follow.  She calls it International Sisters, but I wanted African Queens as this quilt is material picked by Jeffrey - all the dark materials, and I added the light yellows. It represents Jeffrey's serious outlook on life mixed with my frivolity that keeps us both in balance. The African queens represent our stay here and insights learn. I hope it reminds us of our togetherness deepened during this mission.

This was a simple quilt as I started it last week and it's basically blocks sewn together in strips and the strips sewn together.

I plan on doing more African Queen blocks - For future tips to remember:

1. Start the queen with hands and arms, add background

2 After putting on turban, sew one arm and background to head

3. Sew dress, arm, and background together, then sew to head and other arm

When designing straight long blocks with smaller square blocks - Add extra material for all the bumps!

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