
Friday, March 11, 2022


 Elder and Sister Munk are in charge of the Young Single Adults in the Africa West Area. They have been working mightily in making sure the Gathering Places for the young adults goes forward in all the Stakes in West Africa. It is a huge job. Especially with internet and phone data issues as well as transportation and just getting someone to come teach classes or help others find jobs.  

Another job they have is running a pilot program that I have been part of in transitioning returning missionaries to a committed path in the church. It is tough as missionaries come home to no job, no prospects, the expectation that the "job" or work they have been doing will bring money home with them to their family. Some have no family to come home to and have to make a choice on where to go. A few come home to families prepared to help them get started earning or learning a livelihood. 

That pilot program is now being turned over to coordinating councils and people who live here in West Africa. I am very excited as it is much better to receive someone coming home than remotely trying to keep track of where they are and how they are doing. Now the YSA couple will welcome them home and help them get to a gathering place and hopefully find a mentor for education, job, or other opportunities to teach and work.

Graduates and friends of the literacy class. The 3 ladies were asked to bear their testimony in church or give the closing prayer. It is wonderful to watch lives changing for the better.

The Ghana Kasoa Stake has a vital and ongoing Gathering Place that is the best in the Area. They launched their gathering place and had 50 people. It dwindled down to almost 10. A couple, the Aryee's went to each of the wards and personally asked what was needed or most useful in a gathering place and then asked special teachers to come teach those classes. Now this stake is a vibrant ongoing place with people from many ages coming to learn and improve their lives.
This couple has been asked to turn their attention to returning missionaries and making sure gathering places in the entire coordinating counsel (9 stakes) will run - hopefully a little like they did with their own stake.
Elder and Sister Aryee

Elder and Sister Munk, Elder and Sister Aryee, and I in a training meeting 

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