
Saturday, March 26, 2022

Welcome to Accra Bob and Jerie Jacobs! Hello Dinah!

 The new AALC has arrived and been welcomed to Accra and into OGC. AALC stands for Assistant Area Legal Counsel and OGC stands for Office of General Counsel. Dinah Degraff-Mensah has moved over from the secretary of the Area Presidency and is now a legal coordinator for OGC. 

The minute I saw Elder Jacobs, I knew I have seen and heard him speak before. I do not recollect ever talking with him, but his voice and face were recognizable. No idea where. Could be a J Reuben Clark Society meeting, or Lawyers getting together, or it could be from the temple. They both were temple workers and so were we. I am wondering if it was at the temple dedication. I still have no idea where I have seen him before.

His wife is really nice and it was fun to get together at a lunch and ask questions of Dinah and the Jacobs. Dinah has a husband and a little girl about 3 years old. We learned as the lunch went on that her mother and a niece from her side and a niece from his side live with them. I guess it is a pretty full house. The Jacobs have four children and we learned about his role as a mediator. It was fascinating listening to him talk about how he needs to look into the heart and soul of a person because the real answers are there and not necessarily in the facts. He will go back to doing that when he returns home.

Jerie and Bob Jacobs

Eastmonds, Jacobs, Dinah, Adams, Porters, Richard

Emmy Burton and the OGC staff

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