
Thursday, August 11, 2022

Big Truck Day

 Last Monday when Isla and I were taking our morning walk, we found the street was not the quiet neighborhood walk we usually go on. There were big trucks everywhere! First there was the garbage trucks. Isla wanted to stop and watch the whole process and found the arm taking the bins up and down fascinating.

But the biggest excitement came from the three big turcks that were taking down a tree in the Kruse's front yard. There was the Cherry Picker truck, the truck that crunched up the branches, and another truck that may have been used to haul away the logs. We stopped and talked and watched the process until Isla started to fall asleep because of the warm sun. 
Isla's usual run up and down the stepping stones was blocked because of the work being done.

Chomp up all the branches and leaves

It was interesting to see the sections roped off carefully and taken down

Falling section when it was cut would swing away on the rope in a controlled decent.

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