
Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Sweet Sunday

 Because we had prepared on Saturday night with showers, baths, and lining up all the Sunday clothes, getting ready for church was a snap.

The only caveat we had was Caleb's Sunday pants. We looked through every load of wash and finished them and folded all of the clothes in the house that we could find. The kids were busy running clothes back to their room - of course when I went back and found some on the floor - oops - bad news. But they got all their clothes in the drawers and baskets - BUT - still could not find Caleb's pants. Both of the boys took flashlights and looked next to the bed and under it and all through their closet. We didn't find them and so Caleb set another pair of pants out to be used on Sunday.

Everyone at church was friendly and nice and included us because we were Nate's parents. The kids seem to enjoy Primary and we came home and changed clothes.

It was really a peaceful beautiful Sabbath. Jeffrey played a few chess games with Jayson but he showed lots of video stories of Jesus Christ life which brought a really nice feeling or spirit into the home.

We had the tacos that Kelsi had left for us to make and the kids enjoyed the English Garden that I have from Jacquie Lawson site. They really enjoyed planting the herbs and playing the games. It is a fun computer game.

Every night the children hear a scripture story, each pick a song to sing, and then they say prayers. When Jeffrey takes the boys to bed they want a story, and when I take Lilly to bed, she wants a story. All my stories this week came from Africa. I just told her about some of the people I met and some of the animals I saw.

That night when I was going by Lilly room, I could hear that she was not dreaming well. I laid on the queen size bed in her room. A few minutes later she bolted up running out of her room until she heard me tell her to come back and sleep by me on the big bed. She really enjoyed that and wanted to do it again the next night - but I had to go home on Monday. So I told her another time.

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