
Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Distraction is good

 The young women in our ward and also the Spanish branch which has joined us for activities, are going on a women's retreat on Friday night and Saturday.  I wanted to do something nice for them as I won't be there. Since Laura's daughter Lindsay is having an open house that night because she got married last month, I will help out Laura and not go on Friday night. Laura has helped out and practically put on four of my children's receptions or open houses for their weddings, I am not going to miss her first wedding/open house of her own child. 

I decided to make cinch bags for the girls to carry notebooks, pens, water, and whatever they decided for the retreat. I made up 15 bags without their cords, and then learned that we had 25 girls who said they were coming and maybe more from the Spanish branch. Since Saturday, I have been cutting out, going through material boxes out in the garage, and sewing up bags. We (Jeffrey) ordered paracord on Amazon because I ran out of the spool I had brought back from Utah. While I sewed I finished listening to the YouTube audio book of Pride and Prejudice and started Anne of Green Gables. 

When Jeffrey came down last night, he watched a show about people jumping back in time during a French and English war that the crew had been excavating 700 years later. It made the pinning of the cords much easier as my mind was in another place, that this morning I watched some nature shows on Disney plus about Petra, the ocean, and the Hubble space craft. All very interesting and made the job more fun and interesting to finish. 

As I sewed the cords into the sides, I listened to the last of Anne of Green Gables, and just like that- the job was done and I dropped off all the bags, notebooks, pens, and pencils. Tomorrow, I begin helping Laura with the shopping, making, dicing, baking, and whatever else she needs.

I had cut up 15 black and white bags from the black and white material I bought from Sharon in Utah. Laura (my sister) had found the paracord when we were shopping. I finished one for Sunday to show and ask if the girls could use it. Marci Chapman the young women's president, said it was a good idea. But she said there were 25 girls - maybe more.

Scrambling to find more material for more cinch bags

Watching TV while measuring, cutting, and pinning cord in place.

28 Finished bags - all the colored ones are from scrap material in my boxes.

I have to admit, I am in my happy place. When I can create something that is practical and useful, I really enjoy creating. but distraction is good for the tedious parts.

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