
Friday, September 22, 2023

Friday morning at the Nausin's house

 Morning preparations for the dinner on Saturday for Lindsay and Steven's open house began with Laura making roll dough, I was pinching stems off of spinach, Lindsay was taking stems off grapes, Steven cut up red onion and then was crisping up bacon, Dana poured Laura a glass of Dr. Pepper on his way to do more errands, and then Lindsay helped her dad prop up the long table, I cut up lettuce, and Laura started rolling out the dough. Steven's mom and dad came and toured around and we had a nice chat - as we buttered, cut, and rolled the rolls to rise.

It was fun to share in the laughter, teasing, chats, and warmth while preparing items to make a wonderful meal for the next day. I love being with, sharing with, and chatting with Laura and her family. It's nice to be back making rolls with Laura again.

Laura's rolls are famous in our neighborhood


Steven cutting up the red onion

The table need middle support when all the leaves are in.

Dana watching out for Laura

Steven's mom come to help

Famous rolls from Laura - somewhere I have this recipe.....

She weighs each section to 20 oz and sets for 10 minuets, then rolls, butters, and cuts in 12

Roll from the big end in

Let rise and then bake for eight minutes

Rise and bake - yummmm.

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