Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Watching Witnessing


Before the sun breaks over the horizon, if I look out my window, I can see people at work making this whole area beautiful, neat, and clean. So many unseen workers. I do not know who is behind the security doors and windows, but they. have been there all night, watching over us.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Books for Kevin

 Kevin Akrong is Juliet's son and is presently working in the MTC. He asked for books when he knew we were coming. Debbie (my daughter in law) gave him specific books that he asked for. My friend Jeralie gave him a suitcase full of books, in fact it was so heavy the airlines tagged it heavy. I never opened it, but she said it had children's books. 

I don't know if he can use them or not if they are for small children. He will bring them back if he cannot, and I will take them to the OSU library. But it is a nice day to give him some.

Do You Ever Wonder about things?

 Since I've been making lots of banana bread, and muffins, and things, I notice things in the kitchen. For instance why does the vanilla drop to the bottom of the bowl? Why is it heavier than oil? 

Alcohol (which is what vanilla is made of) is suppose to float on oil - so does that mean my vanilla is mostly water? - which sinks in oil. I looked on the vanilla bottle and it is imitation. (I am missing my Mexican vanilla big time!) So I am wondering how much water is in this vanilla.....

It seems to be working as it should, wonder what is in it?

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Talented Addy Family

 Last Sunday we had a very enjoyable time with the Addy family. Joseph Addy was our bishop in the North Ridge ward four years ago and he is still the bishop of the North Ridge ward today. 

They came on Sunday afternoon. Sister Arthur who lives in their ward and is Prince's mom makes the meals and Dumevi brings them over. I supply the fruit and banana bread. Sister Arthur's portions are huge, so everyone can bring leftovers home. 

The oldest daughter is very good on her violin and I was surprised to hear she had only been learning for two or three years. She played most of her pieces from memory, then opened the hymn book and played a few more. The boys were drawing while she was playing and I really liked the pictures and ideas they came up with. 

I can't help wondering if more people in Ghana are talented in music than any where else I have been. Music seems to pour out along with color and vibrancy.

It really was great to get back together with them. The oldest son is in boarding school, so he did not come. It is traditional in this area for the children to attend boarding schools in what would be our high school in the US. I am pretty sure this is an English tradition that translates in Ghana. So we missed him, but enjoyed the rest of the family immensely.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Music and Children

 I slipped down to Primary today because I am on a quest to get pictures of all the Relief Society ladies for my ministering roster.  I took pictures of the adults in the room and couldn't help but be charmed by the little children singing. Beautiful and heart warming. When they showed all the actions of the "Books of The Book of Mormon" I just had to get a little video. They were great - and I had no idea there were actions to this particular song.

I enjoyed the little hearts twirling as they sang, "as the hearts of the children have turned to their fathers....." There was a variety of ways to learn and remember each of the songs they sang.

The chorister was very adept at making sure the boys as well as the girls were engaged. I would have to stay quite a few more weeks to see how she engaged everyone's attention. There is a rubbing hands and then a rhythm clap that I didn't quite catch - but could see was effective. 

After church was over, I found that most of the pictures taken of the adults were visitors! There is a big flux in this ward as its location to the temple makes it home for many visitors. The children have a very good primary and I can see why some mothers would want their children to come here.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Talking and Getting Answers

 Have I told you lately about my firm conviction of prayer, talking to God and getting answers? Little things give me assurances that He is listening. I hope I am listening back. 

Today when I went to get fruit for the weekend, I brought back two heavy bags. One had a watermelon as the lady at the fruit stand said if she cut up the watermelon early it would just get mushy - actually she said bad, but you know what I mean. 

My shoulder does not like heavy loads and as I walked down the street back home, I shifted the bags so my left shoulder only had the watermelon weight for a short period.  I told God if he sent someone to carry these home, I would tip him. Just as I got to the gate at the MTC, Asante, one of my favorite security guards came forward and said, "Let me carry that for you." Thanks to my Heavenly Father, and thanks for a thoughtful gentleman who is happy to do a good deed. He smiled when I held him up when I got home and brought him a tip, telling him I'd told God I would tip anyone who offered to help me. 

Now about the listening part. Am I asking God correctly? I have been on the receiving end of expectations and demands from people lately. Being told what I am expected to bring or do. I don't like it. 

Do I ask and have conversations with God instead of making a list of demands and expectations? Am I listening when he asks me to do a service or give something? Am I doing what is needed because I have been given this chance to be here at this time in this particular spot?

I am in that state again where I am doing good things and just hoping I'm getting it right. On my last mission I didn't know for months down the line what things I did right for God and what things were just nice. Here's hoping I get it right this time - quickly. 

Thank you so very much God for answers to prayers and assurances that thou art near. 

Shopping in the morning

 Despite a slight drizzle, I went out to pick up bananas and fruit for banana bread for Monday and a fruit salad on Sunday. I also picked up a fruit salad already made to give to the security guard at the MTC. I appreciate the fact that they let me go through their gate to get to the stand. 

This is where I can pick up bread on Wednesday and Friday in the morning. They have two different kinds of bread and two different kinds of rolls. Always delicious and fresh. 

Since it started raining while I was waiting for the mangos and pineapple to be cut up, I stood under the awning at the bank while the fruit lady kept working. She put a plastic bag on her head over her hood on her sweatshirt. People here are endlessly creative in their lives. She has no tarp or roof on her little stand so prepared to repel the rain. 

Note she has screening for insects, but no roof for rain

Though outdoors, she keeps the place around the shed scrupulously clean

It is Christmas in July

 When I was a young mother, I would get exasperated with all the toys on the floor. If the children did not pick them up, I would take a trash bag and scoop them up - then leave them in the garage for a few months.  Later when the children promised to take care of their belongings I would bring back the trash bag and give them back their toys. The excitement of getting their toys again was a lot like opening presents at Christmas. 

I now know exactly how my children felt when the movers came and we unpacked out belongings! What was packed up in April is now a wonderful present in July.


They arrived and opened the doors

Hauling it all in

There were about 37 packages big and small 

Checking for Damage

It was noted only two things were broken, a stand and glass in a picture. But everything else came out just fine!

Opening the boxes

A little mountain of boxes and packaging after we opened our "presents"! (just like Christmas)

Reconnected with Family

I have been listening to the laughter of children on our Frame. Life is good.

    Now I am looking forward to sewing and Jeffrey is happy his books are close. Nice!

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Pushing forward

 "They of the last wagon, all who are no less serviceable, and you who today are pressing forward in the path of your duty are the strength of the Savior’s restored Church. And as the Lord has promised, “all thrones and dominions, principalities and powers, shall be revealed and set forth upon all who have endured valiantly for the gospel of Jesus Christ.”" Elder Bednar Oct 2023

Yesterday I saw a few examples of those who are pushing forward in their duties mostly unseen or noticed. They make a huge difference to the beauty and stability of the Africa West Area.

Gathering Places - Sewing Class

 I watched Elder and Sister Hymas struggle and push for the gathering places in each stake to come to fruition. They were over the Young Adults and knew the up-hill battle they have for jobs, stability, and family life. The need to have a network and a place to gather is very important. While I was here last time in Accra, I got to got to one stake who had figured it out. They had a series of classes of all kinds being taught in their stake center. It was opened almost every day for all types of industry that was being learned - by many more than the young adults in the stake.

Our ward has some sisters who are attending the sewing class at the gathering place in our stake. I didn't go to the hair and make-up classes that were going on at the same time. I lean more to sewing.  Luckily for me it is right next door where we go to church. The first time I dropped by, I noticed Patricia from our ward. She is in the Primary organization, though I do not know what her calling is. She came with Juliet for supper and I got to know her family a little better. Seeing Patricia and a few other faces I recognized I wanted to find a way to get them a project so they could sew on real fabric instead of just paper and a very cheap muslin. 

Comfort bought some material for me and I took it over to the class and showed them what I wanted table napkins - four seams with mitered corners - and told them I have stockings for them to make for Christmas celebrations. Freeman and Comfort are both looking for red material for the stockings.

I sure could use my sewing materials! The shipment of our goods still hasn't been turned over to us. Customs will let it go "soon".  I am looking forward to having my scissors, thread from the US, and all my extra material. I feel I can be of use to a beginning sewer. 

I can't wait to see how the ladies do!

This is Patricia from our ward

This is Gifty from our ward

The gentleman on the left is the teacher of the class

Reach Out and Lift One

 I have been striving to live up to President Nelson's birthday wish to "reach out and lift one who needs help".  I can't say that all my efforts have been to those who actually need my help, but I have tried to think of ways to uplift someone every day. It has been an interesting challenge on some days. 

Today was nice because Sister White asked if I could do some laundry for an incoming missionary couple. Perfect, I didn't have to come up with any idea today. She dropped it off on her way to work and will pick it up on her way home. 

Of course living in Africa I am presented with ideas and it is easy to find people who would like and need a lot of things. The minute I saw the ukulele group of ladies who brought soft-sided bags or cardboard boxes to haul their instruments in, I thought of Sister Addy. I knew her business could just soar if she were to make some cases for the ukuleles and the missionary sisters could see them. Yes! On Monday I got six orders for Sister Addy. I was able to send cedis with her husband to her that day. Success!

Some days it is as simple as loading up a carton with apples, oranges, and snacks with a bottle of water for someone who stops by my house. Some times I actively search out ladies who are learning to sew and bring them material to make something. But mostly I have been trying to acknowledge people who often get overlooked or forgotten that do serious work everyday for the betterment of all. I have made so many batches of banana bread that I can't remember how many. Juliet has been so helpful in making drinks to go with the banana bread and giving to different groups in the area office. I am not really sure if that counts as these are all people who don't need help - it is just an acknowledgement. 

The thought comes up that President Nelson's birthday wish is a little more personal. He wants us to reconcile with someone, get inspiration on a name, find those who are discouraged, and get answers from God on who to reach out to. I have been looking around and coming up with fun ideas. I sure hope that counts in heaven as I haven't done any really hard work or soul searching. Though come to think of it.....I did make a call to a brother and a sister who were depressed.....I'm not so sure if I lifted their spirits or not.

I told Jeffrey he was covered as I spent his first paycheck to help out a few families. Good thing he was happy with my efforts. Money helps but it sure isn't the answer. I have given so many cedis that changed nothing. But some have given boys a chance for education and some money made a little boys so happy that he could make music. One lady has terrible hospital bills and I could make a small dent. 

I've decided on the balance that I'm doing as the President asked. It's enough for now. Maybe tomorrow will have a better answer.

Monday, July 15, 2024

The Cantonments Ward Relief Society Presidency

 We met to discuss the needs of the ward Relief Society members and I of course, said we need a picture. 

It has been fun working with these wonderful ladies! They have great ideas and are talented in many areas. Erica the secretary, knows and is concerned with the young adults and what they need to move to the next step in life. She teaches in an inclusive, fun way.  Baaba the first counselor, works as a Matron in the temple most of the week. She sews and is going to get her PHD soon. Comfort the Relief Society president caters for many events and knows just how to make a great food sac that will feed a family for some days. I've decided I can add value by facilitating others to move ahead, i.e. I bring material to the gathering place that is teaching sewing and ask them to make my table napkins for a few Cedi's so they can work on real material instead of paper, doing real work. I also give Comfort Cedi's for food sacks that she tells women came from the Relief Society. The other value I bring is filling out reports that free up time for the others. We make a good team.

Erica Serwaa Edudzi Agbeko, Linda Ann Adams, Wilhelmina Emma Baaba Acquah, and Comfort Adjowa Ofoli-Quaye
Aka: Erica, Linda Ann, Baaba, and Comfort

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Victoria Addy Creation

 Tonight Bishop Addy, his wife Victoria, and their oldest daughter stopped by to deliver the ukulele case I had asked her to make for me. She made me a unique and one of a kind ukulele case that I just KNOW Caleb is going to love. I'll probably get some cases for some of the other grands. I'm not really sure who is going to love music and playing different instruments. Someone in Debbie's house probably - they have two parents chuck full of musical talent, so at least one of the kids should be too. 

I love that Sister Addy just made up this whole pattern, idea, and did such a good job!  I love it. She makes purses and handbags and this has the same sturdy feel that her hand purse does. I am so happy!

Wednesday, July 10, 2024


 I don't think it has even been a month, but Sylvanus's family sent me a video of their son with his ukulele and how far he has gotten.

I know the quality is not sharp, but it is okay to show how well he is doing.

I am amazed at how quickly he picks up things without a teacher. He only has his mother's phone to watch YouTube once in awhile when they have data.  I wish he had the means and opportunity to really use this remarkable gift. It is so nice to be a witness to his talent.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Behind the Smile

 It takes effort and work to be cheerful, happy, and always look for the best in people and situations. Often I have to "gear up" to ride out a situation where I don't want to be mowed over or walked on. 

A very nice young lady - well she is just over 40 which is now young in my book - was very nice to me, gave me a hug and a kiss and wanted to take a photo with me. Inside I just knew I was a mark. Sure enough she explained how high her rent was, what she was able to pay and what she needed to make the difference. Because a day or two earlier I had given her money for a taxi, she felt I could be generous and help her out with her rent. 

I went through the thoughts and ideas of self-reliance and told her the church does not help individuals, just hospitals, schools, government like mayors and such, she still felt I needed to give her aid. I told her I could help her with food money that came out of my own pocket and it was not from the church. The very next day she was asking when I could give that to her. She also said how much she like banana bread when I told her I was cooking that morning for the security guards. So I gave her Cedi's, banana bread, and a Book of Mormon. 

How much does a hug and a kiss cost?

My other friends here feel free to expect more Cedi's for their lives when I have given them something in the past. I keep telling myself that I expect a lot from God and I'm a beggar of Him too. It is finding balance as I have been given so much from God and I have chosen to give service, money, and aid to others. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed by the high expectations of need and sometimes I give "small, small" to many and it feels balanced and right. I have never felt a satisfaction of giving enough as there is a black hole of need and want. 

Three levels up 

On the other hand, yesterday some workers were way up on scaffolding that they built like tinker toys just to wash my windows on the third floor. They had done my bedroom windows last week and this week it was my kitchen windows. I went out and took pictures and Marco Polo video to share with my grandkids. I offered to make banana bread in acknowledgment of their efforts, though I didn't have enough bananas or eggs. I substituted applesauce and baking powder and made it anyway. 

They came back later in the day to finish up the windows over the front door that they couldn't build scaffolding for - by hanging out the balcony window to reach another bedroom window. Later one worker came back and thanked me for the banana bread and said, "God Bless you." That was nice.

Monday, July 8, 2024

Stored in the quest bedroom


Sister McGlochlin has flown back to the states and has quite a few instruments and things that she left here. She thought she could get a place on the Nielsen's unit being shipped back home but she had quite a few things not one or two boxes. Some of those boxes have drums and xylophones in them. I am not sure all that she has there. I told her I could store them until October. She has plans to come back so maybe she will find a way to get all her stuff home later.

I think I will not tell anyone that I can bring their stuff home when the time comes unless they have one little box. This was amazing.

Sunday Guests

 In keeping with our one month tradition, we had guests come for supper on Sunday. We were supposed to have Juliet's family and one of her friends who lived close by. Juliet indicated her husband and sons would probably not show up. At church one of the stake counselors asked to see Jeffrey but I had to tell him he was over at the MTC working. He asked when Jeffrey would be home, so I told him he could come for dinner. He said he had to pick up his daughter and I said to bring her along too. 

Dumevi brought over the dinners (Juliet chose Jollof rice and chicken) and Sister Arthur (the chef) sent two dinners aside that had less heat in them. What a thoughtful, kind, person! All were accompanied by a salad, each were individually wrapped up. Everyone chose to eat out of the container, so Jeffrey did also. I know he would prefer a plate, glass, and real silverware every time. 

Some of the interesting things we found out was that Brother Danso, the second counselor in the Accra Ghana Christiansborg Stake went to Utah for school and found his wife who was from American Samoa and they stayed in the United States until their youngest was fourteen. Esther Danso, his youngest daughter is getting ready to go back to the Utah for her college education.

Ronald Danso and Esther Danso

Patricia, whom I met while cleaning the chapel a few weeks ago, is Juliet's neighbor. She has three children and a late husband. The oldest is Emmanuel who is in high school though they said something about levels. I think this is run British style and I'll have to look into what that all means. The second is Elijah who is in 7th grade and the youngest is Sylvia (I think). The kids all were very respectful and did not speak up much. In fact it was difficult to get the children to say much at all. They were exceedingly respectful. Jeffrey and I wanted to hear from everyone, so next time we will get just one family instead of three separate families - whom all knew each other better than we knew any of them.

Sylvia, Emmanuel, Elijah, Patricia, and Juliet

Here are the girls:

Sylvia, Juliet, Patricia, and Esther

You could tell these women all knew each other and it was just Jeffrey and I trying to catch up. 

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Lovely evening at an empty polo field

 We didn't know the season for polo was over and that the ponies and games wouldn't be back until October. We still had a delightful dinner with the Manwarrings and decided we needed to come more often as the food is superb! 

The Manwarring's are from Idaho and they caught us up on their life there just a little bit. When she was small they lived in Briggs during the summer and a little town in Wyoming during the fall and winter. I'll have to ask another time if her father or grandfather was a farmer. I'm pretty sure she said her father taught school.  They are a fun couple to be with.

Sister Manwarring got stroganoff and rice with broccoli

Jeffrey loved his salmon

Elder Manwarring got steak

I had a Caesar salad, spring rolls, and broccoli, everyone felt it was delicious! We brought the left-overs home. The waitress carried our doggie bags out to our car......I am pretty sure she knows how to get the tips. Hope its a living!

Cool Plant - kind of airy

 Right outside of our apartments is this really cool plant that at first I thought was being terribly eaten by bugs. Nope, those are systematic openings that are very uniform in nature. Not the producer of a random bug or two. Actually pretty in a lacy way.

I looked out the window and what did I see?

 I sat next to the window listening to the Elders play soccer while I was writing on the computer. Presently, clanks and rapid talking seemed like they were a lot closer than the fields. When I looked over to my right, there were men washing the windows! Looking closer they were free standing on a shaky scaffolding. When he reached over to wash another window, I told him to open the window to bring it into reach safely. 

The next time I looked up, they were right in front of me. Up on the third level. I tried not to think of broken legs and necks - though I did program the people to call in an emergency. These men were perfectly comfortable and efficient. It is good to see people who are expert in their field - even if I would never do it.

I could hear the shouts and laughter of a soccer game

I could see the men building the scaffolding as they went up 

I didn't like the sway very much

Doing a great job