
Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Men of Wednesday Night


Back row: _____ Bobi, Samuel, Lynn, Jeffrey, Walker, Prince
Front row: Lorenzo, Walter, _____

We had a really nice evening where Jeffrey talked about holiness and what it meant. He told us about the chapters coming up in the Come Follow Me manual in Exodus and Leviticus would be talking about holiness and how God was trying to get the children of Israel to a strive for a higher purpose and then he likened that to what President Nelson is asking each of us to to in his conference addresses.

Jeffrey read about the meaning of holiness in regards to places and events and said if you added people to that description, then holiness would mean set apart for a sacred purpose. He then went through quite a few scriptures in the New Testament, Old, and Doctrine and Covenants that all had holiness associated with them. He was able to point out how President Nelson's talks since he became president are all geared to leading us as a people to live in holiness or live our lives with a sacred purpose rather than just checking off a list of good things to do.

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