
Sunday, May 1, 2022



Jeffrey walks every work day to the Area Office. He has a clicker and can get in the back gate instead of walking all the way around. We try not to advertise that much because the powers that be don't want all the missionaries using it as their short cut. Still it was very nice for Jeffrey to get one, that way he doesn't have sweat dripping down his back and sides.

He walks on Saturdays too. Often he goes to the bank and back. I like those days, as he will sit down, divvy up the cedis into projects like Juliet's business, Dumevi's deliveries, Wisdom making things, Bobby's cleaning and the men at the corner on Sundays. All the regular tips and expenses. I did feel bad for Bobby's wife because her sister died, so I left a little more for the funeral too. Then Jeffrey splits the money in half and we start the week. Usually by Thursday it's time to split it again. I'm loving the half life of money here! Jeffrey feels he is at least getting a little exercise. 

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