
Monday, May 16, 2022

The New Chefs on Thursday afternoon

 Sister Addy and Sister Tagoe are the only ones in the ward to have ovens. They are commercial big sized ovens for business. Sister Addy wanted to know how to make banana bread, brownies, and cookies. We started with the brownies, then while they were baking she started in on the banana bread. I had made a recipe sheet with pictures next to each ingredient because I didn't want to try to figure out who can read and who cannot. I just give everyone the recipe with pictures on it.

While Sister Addy was adding banana bread ingredients, her husband came over with the kids and some large packages that he dropped off. Of course I had to take pictures and the children helped out with the banana bread. It was a fun time in the kitchen and a great way to get to know the family. Bishop Addy came back to pick up his family. His birthday is on Sunday, so they are going to celebrate with the goods we made (though half the brownies were for dessert that night). We arranged to have Sister Addy come back to make cookies.

Sister Addy is a talented seamstress and makes her children clothes and lots of items for other people. Her shop has a dual purpose with sewing and baking.

Victoria Addy learning new recipes

Children fresh from school coming to help their mom

Almost the Addy Family, just missing one son

Everyone helping out to mash the bananas

Successful Chefs

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