
Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Saturday - On the Way to Kenya!

 Jeffrey and I got a chance to be part of the ACLARS or African Consortium for Law and Religion Studies where concerned individuals from all over Africa, the United States, England, and I think Sweden get together to trade ideas on how to make life better in Africa. This year the 9th annual conference was held in Nairobi, Kenya and was entitled Law, Religion, Health, and Healing in Africa. 

The presenters come from all over Africa and a few other countries with different ways to cope with Covid, poverty, religion, and government actions. The topics ranged from "Religious and Governmental Collaborations to Address Covid-19 - The Case of the DRC" - "The Conflict between Faith Based and Science Based Messages on Pandemics and Their Impacts on Public Health Management in Africa" - "Covid-19: Laws and Policies in Response to the Pandemic and its Effects on Women in the United church of Zambia" - "African Christianity, Healing and Covid-19 in Zimbabwe: Rethinking the Efficacy of African Traditional Medicine (ATM)" - "Rastafari, Rule of Law and Covid-19 in Nigeria" - "No Girl Is too Young to Be Raped: Covid-19 Pandemic Social Insecurity and Islamic Law in Nigeria" - "The Socio-Cultural Foundations of the Reluctance of the Populations of Porto-Novo in the Face of Vaccination Against Covid in Benin" - and many, many more! There wasn't a way to go to even half of the presentations and panels. 

The Conference has been outstanding - getting their was.......awful.

We took a red-eye at 10 pm and gained three hours and landed at 5:30 am in Nairobi. The problem was I did not sleep because of leg cramps and strains. But I did see a very good rendition of "The Little Princess" which is my new favorite! I'll get the year, actors, etc. when we go back. I would love to own that copy.  I missed church because I was asleep after getting to the hotel about 8:30 am. Church was at 9. The trip back should be okay as we will go during the day. 

I feel terrible for Jerie as she had some antibiotic that was making her throw up. Finally on Tuesday she was able to keep two meals down. Life is tough and complicated sometimes. 

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