Wednesday, August 21, 2024

How many people does it take?

Asante saw that I was carrying bags and took them for me to carry home. When we came through the gate to our apartment complex, we saw a big tanker truck that was filling the propane container next to our apartment complex. 

I stopped for a minute to watch (and take a picture) and started thinking out loud about how many people it takes to make a batch of banana bread. Here were men that had come with fuel, Lawerence who manages the complex and all the details in it, which makes it many more than I the one baking. I told Lawerence I should make a batch of banana bread for he and his workers which he readily agreed. Asante quickly said he was the one carrying the bags and should have the banana bread. A nice hilarious exchange between Lawerence and Asante continued. 

Asante carried my bags up to my apartment, where I realized that I had no bananas so it could not be made in any case. Asante told me that he would make sure I had bananas the next morning.

The next morning I set out to go shopping with Sister Manwarring, Sister Penner, Dumevi, and the driver to go to a new store called Orca. I bought muffin tins - I have found I cannot make morning glory into bread as it does not cut up well and should be a muffin. 

When I got back, Joseph who had been sent by Asante had a very big batch of bananas. I promptly made banana bread with of course the grated coconut that Asante had done. 

This batch of banana bread took me, Asante, Joseph, Lawerence and two men bringing fuel to make. I have to wonder who I have left off the list in indirect help given to do my task.

It reminds me of how God works his works. So many unknown blessings that enable us to do the things we want. Sun, fuel, water, many people who give aid directly and indirectly all go to making my life good.

As soon as the banana bread was done, I cut it up and brought it over to the guard house at the temple complex for Asante and his friends. I love the grins.

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