Monday, August 26, 2024

Sunday Birthday

 Bobby and his family came over again on Sunday for dinner. It was his oldest daughter's birthday, so we had a birthday party! Her name is Evelyn (like her mommy) and her sister is Faithann.

They had gone to a Stake Conference - long meetings because they had all the meeting on the same day - unlike the US where the adult session is the night before and only the general Stake Conference is on Sunday. There were tired of traveling and being gone when they got here. It was nice they had the anticipation of a party to look forward to. 

Evelyn (the mom) Bobby's wife came with her mother Mary Anode-Kesson who we figured out was an early pioneer in the church in Ghana. She was present at the first baptisms in Cape Coast as a teenager.

Since the girls held on and didn't open presents until their dad showed them how to rip them open, my feeling is there have not been many times presents have been given - or at least not wrapped ones. Since I have had my own children with birthdays, I made sure that Faithann had a few to open also. They plan to come back in November when it is Faithann's birthday. (And of course Evelyn will get a few then also.)

The birthday girl and her gifts.

After a little help from her daddy, Evelyn had a good time.

Faithann with her mother helping her open some presents for herself.

Sang Happy Birthday - did you know there are three verses?

Make a wish and blow out the candles.
We enjoyed the cake that Evelyn had made - it was delicious, talked a little more and then after packing up the goodies, some food, and the cake, they all went home. Jeffrey gave them money for a taxi as they were all tired.
Cutting the cake

Delicious homemade cake

Faithann was tired and wanted to be held, so Opa did.

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