Thursday, August 1, 2024

Many to Aid and Help

I am pretty sure this man's name is Joseph - who is in charge of the grounds around the Area President's apartments. He keeps everything trim and lovely. From one end to the other.
There are nine ground crew that take care of all the temple, stake, and the MTC grounds. They are kept hopping with different tasks every day.

 Lawerence and his crew maintain the Area Office apartments. Today he was in search of the reason an alarm was going off - but no one knew where originated from. They got on top of the elevator and up on the roof. But they finally found it on a panel next to my door. Since it was at a high pitch, it was not heard by me,.  I was one of the very few who were not annoyed the past few days.

I am glad we have so many people to help and figure out any problems. So nice for us!

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