Sunday, August 18, 2024

Setting Up

 Comfort and Juliet came over to my apartment from the church to help carry all the banana bread over to the cultural hall to set up for the celebration farewell of the temple presidency. 

Coming down in the elevator with trays of banana bread

Without a kitchen it is just a little tricky - but not impossible to get ready to serve food. Comfort had cut up all the different parts of the salad and had bags of lettuce, cabbage, green onions, carrots, etc. that she assembled in a media storage room. It was a locked room where she stored her coolers, bags, and boxes.

We brought the banana bread and set them on top of books on a shelf. Comfort with Juliet's help assembled the salad. I took pictures and held the trash bag.

In a small space with three foil pans, Juliet and Comfort put all the different elements of this dinner together. The chicken was already cooked and in a cooler, the fried rice was in little bags in another cooler, and the drinks were in the third cooler, the salad was put together in the media room and taken up with the rest of the dinner.

We took it up in the elevator to the next floor and set up the food on tables in the cultural hall. The chairs and tables are on racks at the end of the hall. Luckily the men took care of the heavy tables and chairs.

The big pan of fried rice isn't shown, but the rest of the dinner is on the table.

It was unfortunate that the timing of this celebration was just after church because at noon every Sunday, Jeffrey gives patriarchal blessings to missionaries in the MTC. So I helped (watched and held things) and then had to leave to go with Jeffrey to the MTC - which was glorious, don't get me wrong. It was difficult to have two good things at the same time.

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