Monday, August 5, 2024

It is Founders Day

 Monday Aug 4, 2024 is Founders Day in Ghana. I haven't heard of any celebrations but I haven't listened to the radio or television lately. Here is a link if you want to know the basics.

Jeffrey had a swollen ankle this week, so he has been riding around on a wheeled office chair in the house. I pulled up the area rugs and set them in a corner. Every day his ankle has been a little better. After prayer, a blessing, and staying off of it, the ankle is healing nicely. So it was nice that he didn't have to go to work today. He finished up transcribing the patriarchal blessings and off he went with his crutches to print out and deliver them to the MTC.  He drove:)

I've been baking banana bread this morning to deliver to the Family Search employees and also the secretaries in the Area Office tomorrow. I made another batch to give to the car washers.

Today I heard from a missionary long in the past who used to visit with Jeffrey and discuss questions with answers from the scriptures. Elder Ethan Baird and his wife visited with us in 2019 with their little boy. In my email inbox he sent some memories and best wishes. It brought a flood of memories back! And then to make it a very nice morning, my good friend Debbie Penovich made my heart full when she sent her love, Hugs and best wishes. Thanks for reading my blog. It helps to know someone is there so I actually have a reason to write something down!

Yesterday in church we had the whole new Area Presidency in attendance and also the DTA for the area. Jeffrey got a special confirmation that this was set up by God. Then to make the day better, I got to drive Jeffrey (a whole hundred yards) to the MTC (so he didn't have to walk) and also stay while he gave the blessings because the were given to two sister missionaries.  

It is nice to have a slow day to think about our blessings and gifts given from God. 

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