Friday, August 2, 2024

The Family

 In Sister Scripture Study, Sister Gilmore noted that her children stick together, cooperate, care for each other, and seem to look out for each other when she is not there. I have noted the same thing. We got back in 2022 and had two reunions of which only some of each family came to each one. After we left, all of the kids made a special effort and made sure they all got together for the reunion. So very nice!!

I have a picture of the first time we went on a mission and it is complete with those in our family then. When we were in Africa the first time, they had a reunion with everyone there. And now as we are gone again, they met in Yosemite and everyone made it. I love the fact that they love and care for each other. As the family gets bigger, there are more ideas and more opinions, and more things that are different from family to family. So it makes my heart glad when they can come and have a good time for a few days. 

One more is coming in February!........

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