Friday, August 2, 2024


Making changes

Jeffrey presented in our Family Home Evening with the missionaries at a Family Home Evening. While he was talking and showing her PowerPoint slides, I was reminded of my desire to live with God again. 

I have decided to make some affirmative changes and stop just sliding through life. It is okay to go slow adjusting to stress, but there comes a point in time that I need do good. 

I talked with my girls this week, and I am going to get together with them to report and discuss goals and accomplishments (or not) because I do better with company. I would always get up and walk when I knew Laura would be on the corner waiting. It was easy to get my assignments in when the teacher gave me a due date. 

My girls have agreed to be my contact point. I had told Rachel that I had gotten on the elliptical for three days in a row. "Way to go Mom!" I told her that was nice to hear. Then she asked me what my goals were. Good point. I need some clear achievable goals to report on. I will text those tonight.

I know that going to Sacrament Meeting is to remind me to live up to the covenants, responsibilities, and promises to keep the commandments that I have received. Sometimes I have to make a great effort to focus on the things I am suppose to instead of the trivial. Making weekly commitments to do good, improve my life, and give service. 

Watch out for the post holes in life

Spiritual as well as physical.

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