Friday, August 16, 2024

We'll see how it turns out

Maybe I should mention that while Comfort (who is the Relief Society president) and I were talking, we decided to help a lady in the ward start a new business. Comfort said she would go with the lady to buy the things she needs, and we'll ask Baaba to help her with a business plan and give her the principals of self-reliance. So I funded that one as the church only gives for people who are in trouble and/or starving. The church never helps people start up a business. The only thing I asked for was that this lady help someone else when she has her feet on the ground.

Another lady wants to start a business too. But for this lady I wanted her to go through the self reliance class, then put a business plan together. The reason is - she wants to try out something completely new she has never done before. I told her I would show her plan to my son. I didn't tell her I would be funding that one too - I just wanted a little more preparation so that maybe it wouldn't be money down the drain of dreams.  

I do not want the big money issue to arise. When someone gets something big, then the relatives come for a little bite. It is very generous and nice that everyone gets a 'small, small' piece so no one is left without. But it is extremely difficult to start a business when your capital has been whittled down too much - which I have seen happen.  

I am happy to facilitate as long as the principles of good business are practiced. 

We are having a party for the out-going temple presidency and I had to laugh when new expenses came up to fund. Hey, it is going to be a good party and everyone will bring something. 

There are new circles for us and new friends. We can't help everyone but we can do our share. Then Jeffrey and I will just watch and see how it all turns out.

The half life of money is now almost three-quarters and then he shares again. Last week I am pretty sure I used most of the Cedi stack. Life is good. 

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