Sunday, August 11, 2024

Sunday Leisure

 Our family couldn't come today, so no family for dinner. Jeffrey and I are relaxing and listening to the Messiah. We went to church and he and I went afterwards to the MTC so he could convey two patriarchal blessings.  

I came home and while listening to the Messiah, made two batches of banana bread for some employees in the Area Office. Juliet and I have gone through the outside workers (and a few inside like the cleaners) but now we are targeting the "worker bees" inside the Area office for acknowledgment of good works. She makes drinks and I make the banana bread. Though I might switch to Morning Glory recipe just for fun.

We've been adapting to the foods and things that are here. We have gone largely vegetarian though not through love of animals or anything. It is just easier to make dinners and things without the hassle of finding and cooking meat. I use LOTS of eggs every week for all the banana and morning glory breads. Jeffrey and I don't eat a lot of eggs, just every once in awhile. So not true vegetarians, just a lot less meat-eating. Fried rice, quinoa, potatoes, pasta, it is all just easier to make something with lots of vegetables - and spices! 

Today I took left over quinoa stew and added a spicy fried rice and it turned out nice. Lots of herbs and spices can make boring things taste good! With the bonus of six or seven types of vegetables in the mix.

Then I talked to some of my children in different venues -WhatsApp, Marco Polo, and FaceTime. Life has just been nice today. I am pondering on the lesson in Relief Society. I am really going to try to be a better person.

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